Folyamatos jelen

I                              am        
You                        are
They                                     working.
She                        is
I                              am not
You                        aren’t
They                                           working.
She                        isn’t
                               am         I
Where                 is             he/she/it                            doing?
                               are         we/you/they
Eldöntendő kérdés
Are you going by train?
Rövid válasz:      Yes, I am.
                               No, I’m not.
1.Az épp most történő cselekvés.
Don’t turn off the TV. I’m watching it.   Ne kapcsold ki a TV-t! Nézem!
2.Egy jelenleg igaz, érvényes cselekvést vagy helyzetet, amely nem feltétlenül a beszéd pillanatában történik.
Don’t take that book. Jane’s reading it.                Ne vidd el azt a könyvet! Jane olvassa.
3.Egy átmeneti, csak egy ideig tartó cselekvés.
Peter is a student, but he’s working as a waiter in the summer holiday.
4.Egy közeli időpontra tervezett cselekvést.
I’m having lunch with Tom tomorrow. Holnap Tommal ebédelek.
-ing helyesírása:
A legtöbb igénél simán –ing: going, eating….
Az –e betűre végződőeknél az –e betű kiesik: smoke – smoking.
Az –ee végződésűeknél NEM esik ki az –e: agree – agreeing.
Kettőződik a mássalhangzó ha a szó:
-          egy szótagú
-          csak egy magánhangzót tartalmaz
-          mássalhangzóra végződik.
-          Pl. getting, running…
-          Kivétel az –y vagy –w végű igék: playing, showing.
Statikus igék
-          nincs –ing (folyamatos) alakjuk.
-          pl. like, hate, love stb..


Egyszerű jelen

We                        work.
She                        works .
We                        don’t work.
She                        doesn’t work .
                               do    I / we / you / they
Where                                                                                work.
                               does he / she / it
Eldöntendő kérdés
Do you live in Miskolc?
Rövid válasz:      Yes, I do.
                               No, I don’t
Does he live in Miskolc?
Rövid válasz:      Yes, he does.
                               No, he doesn’t.
„-s” helyesírása
A –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o végűekhez –ES jön.
A mássalhangzó + y végű igéknél az –y megváltozik, a végződés –IES lesz.
Ha az –y előtt magánhangzó áll, a végződés csak –s lesz:
plays, says …
1.NEM ÉPPEN, hanem rendszeresen, szokásosan, ismétlődően történik a cselekvés. Vagy állandó állapotról beszélünk.
I teach Maths.
Matekot tanítok.
Pamela drives to work.
Pamela kocsival jár dolgozni.
2.Akkor is Present Simple-t használjuk, amikor örök igazságokról, természeti törvényekről, stb. beszélünk (mert azok mindig ugyanúgy vannak…).
The Sun rises in the East.
A Nap Keleten kel.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
A víz 100 fokon forr.
4. Instrukciók adásakor (például étel receptekben) vagy útbaigazításnál (akkor is amikor útbaigazítást kérünk) legtöbbször a Present Simple igeidőt szokás használni:
First I cut the meat into small pieces then …
Először apró darabokra vágom a húst, aztán …
5. Események egymásutánjának leírásakor is Present Simple-t használunk. lyen esetek lehetnek, amikor bemutatunk valamit, vagy kommentálunk egy éppen zajló eseményt (sport vagy bármilyen közvetítés például), filmelőzetesben (elmondja röviden a film egymás után következő eseményeit), (film)kritikákban és drámai elbeszélésekben.
Beckham passes the ball to Koplárovics.
Beckham lepasszolja a labdát Koplárovicsnak! (sportközvetítés)
In Act I, Hamlet meets the ghost of his father.
Az első felvonásban Hamlet találkozik apja szellemével. (drámai elbeszélés)
6.Végül, de nem utolsó sorban a Present Simple-t lehet jövő időként is használni(Present Simple as Future):

A Present Simpe-t olyan jövőbeli eseményekleírására használjuk, amelyek egy program, menetrend, időbeosztás vagy órarend részei, tehát jövőre nézve – nem a beszélő által – meghatározott, előre lefixált kezdési és befejezési időpontjai vannak:
What time does the film begin?
Hánykor kezdődik a film?
When does the match finish?
Mikor fejeződik be a meccs?
When are you leaving tomorrow?
Mikor indulsz holnap? (Present Continuous, mert nem menetrendre kérdez, hanem a te lefixált cselekvésed pontos idejére)
When does the train leave? (simple, mert menetrendre kérdezek!)


Imagine you were going to magic school. What spell would you learn first?
(a) Invisibility.
(b) Levitation.
(c) Invincibility.
Imagine you were going to magic school. What pet would you raise?
(a). An owl.
(b). A frog.
(c). A bat.
Imagine you were at magic school and your friend was teasing you. What would you turn her or him into?
(a) A frog.
(b) A pig.
(c) A skunk.
Imagine you were a ghost. Where would you haunt people?
(a) In the forest.
(b) In an old house.
(c) In a castle.
Say you could be any superhero. Who would you be?
(a) Batman.
(b) Spiderman.
(c) Superman.
Say you could have any superpower. What would it be?
(a). The ability to fly.
(b). The ability to see through things.
(c). The ability to breathe under water.
Suppose you could invent a special machine. What would you invent?
(a) A time machine.
(b) A teleportation machine.
(c) A machine that made diamonds.
Suppose you could change into any animal. What animal would you turn into?
(a) A shark.
(b) A cheetah.
(c) An eagle.
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
(a) The ability to read minds.
(b) The ability to shrink very small
(c) The ability to climb walls.
Suppose you were taking a test and a friend asked you to give him an answer. What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher.
(b) Say no.
(c) Give him the answer.
Say you could bring back an extinct animal back to life. What animal would it be?
(a) A tyrannosaurus.
(b) A wooly mammoth.
(c) A brontosaurus.
Say your friend wanted to steal something? What would you do?
(a) Tell his parents.
(b) Let your friend do it.
(c) Tell him not to do it.

Suppose you were the Minister of Sports.
What sport would you give the most money to?
(a) Soccer
(b) Running
(c) Gymnastics
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture.
Who would you give more money to?
(a) Painters
(b) Writers
(c) Give the same to each.
What if you were stranded on a deserted island? What would you need the most?
(a) A saw.
(b) A lighter.
(c) Some rope.
Imagine you were traveling to another planet and you could only bring one thing for fun? What would it be?
(a) Your favorite CDs
(b) Your favorite novel.
(c) Your favorite computer games.
What if you could be the teacher of your class? Would you give
(a) More homework.
(b) Less homework.
(c) The same amount of homework.
What if the world were going to end tomorrow because of a meteor? What would you do?
(a) Spend time with your family.
(b) Play computer games all night.
(c) Write down your last thoughts.
If you were on a deserted island and you could bring anyone with you, who would you bring?
(a) Your mother.
(b) Your best friend.
(c) Your P.E. teacher.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you miss the most?
(a) Home cooked food.
(b) Computer games.
(c) Clean clothes.
What if your best friend was being pulled into the water by an alligator? What would you do?
(a) Jump in the water to save your friend.
(b) Go and get help.
(c) Throw something at the alligator.
Imagine you lived on the moon. What would you miss the most?
(a) Swimming at the beach
(b) Skiing in the mountains.
(c) Hiking in the forests
If you had a million dollars, who would you give the most money to?
(a) Nobody. I’d keep it all.
(b) My parents.
(c) An orphanage.
If you won ten million dollars, where would you live?
(a) The house that you live in now.
(b) On an island.
(c) A penthouse apartment.

Imagine you were a dragon. What would you eat?
(a) Princesses
(b) Knights
(c) Chili Pepper Pizza
Imagine you were invisible for a day. Where would you go?
(a) Your teacher’s house.
(b) The bank.
(c) The movie theater.
Imagine you had a time machine. Where would you go?
(a) To ancient Rome.
(b) To see dinosaurs.
(c) To the future.
Imagine you were king or queen of a very rich country. What law would you make?
(a) Everybody must bow to you.
(b) Everybody must take a holiday on your birthday. 
(c) Everybody must give you $100.
Imagine you were the president of your country. What would you make illegal?
(a) Homework. 
(b) Littering.
(c) Spitting on the streets.
Imagine you were an ogre. How would you get your food?
(a) Catch people in the forest and eat them.
(b) Steal sheep, pigs, and cows.
(c) Get a job as an actor.
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture. What would you make illegal?
(a) Farting in public. 
(b) Writing on bathroom walls.
(c) Listening to loud music in public.
Suppose you saw a robber being chased by the police and you saw the robber throw away $1,000,000. Would you:
(a) Give it to the police.
(b) Leave it where you found it.
(c) Keep it.
Suppose you were the Minister of Defense. How long would citizens have to serve in the army?
(a) Two years.
(b) Six months.
(c) As long as they wanted.
Suppose you won an airplane ticket to go anywhere in the world. Where would you go?
(a) Asia.
(b) Africa
(c) Europe
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture. How would you spend the country’s money?
(a) Make more museums and galleries.
(b) Give more money to schools for art.
(c) Make parks.
Suppose you were the Minister of Sports. How would you spend the country’s money?
(a) Build more stadiums.
(b) Give money to schools for sports.
(c) Pay athletes more money.

Suppose you were the Minister of the Environment. How would you spend your country’s money?
(a) Build recycling plants.
(b) Plant more trees.
(c) Clean up the beaches and rivers.
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture.
Who would you give more money to?
(a) Musicians
(b) Actors
(c) Give the same to each.
What if you were stranded on a deserted island? What would you need the most?
(a) A hammer and nails.
(b) A flashlight.
(c) An axe.
Imagine you were traveling to another planet and you could only bring one animal from earth?
(a) A monkey
(b) A dog.
(c) A sheep.
What if you could be the teacher of your class? Would you give
(a) Give more tests.
(b) Fewer tests.
(c) Give no tests
What if the world were going to end tomorrow because of a meteor? What would you eat for your last dinner?
(a) Pizza.
(b) Raw Fish.
(c) Chocolate cake.
If you were on a deserted island and you could bring one animal, what would you bring?
(a) A dog.
(b) A pig.
(c) A hen.
If you moved to a different country, what would you miss the most?
(a) Your country’s food.
(b) Your best friend.
(c) Your country’s television.
What if your best friend was sleeping and you saw snake crawl into his or her bed? What would you do?
(a) Wake your friend up.
(b) Wait and see if the snake leaves.
(c) Try to make the snake go away.
Imagine you lived on the moon. What would you miss the most?
(a) Swimming at the beach
(b) Skiing in the mountains.
(c) Hiking in the forests
If you had a million dollars, what would you do first?
(a) Go shopping for new games.
(b) Go on a trip.
(c) Buy a new house.
If you could be anything, what would you be?
(a) An actor.
(b) A scientist.
(c) An athlete.

Imagine you had a water balloon as big as a beach ball. Who would you drop it on?
(a) Your English teacher.
(b) Your math teacher.
(c) Your science teacher.
Imagine you were invisible for a day. Who would you play tricks on?
(a) Your parents.
(b) Your best friend.
(c) Your school principal.
Imagine you had a time machine. Where would you go?
(a) To ancient Egypt.
(b) To see the Middle Ages.
(c) To the 1800s.
Imagine you were king or queen of a very rich country. What law would you make?
(a) Everybody must clean the streets.
(b) Everybody must plant trees.
(c) Everybody must play soccer on Sunday.
Imagine you were the president of your country. What would you make illegal?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) Cigarettes.
(c) Computer games,
Imagine you were a mermaid. What would you eat?
(a) Crabs and shrimp.
(b) Fish.
(c) Clams and oysters.
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture. What would you make illegal?
(a) Kissing in public. 
(b) Reading comic books.
(c) Not taking a shower for over a week.
Suppose you found a wallet on the ground. What would you do?
(a) Give it to the police.
(b) Take the money and then give it to the police
(c) Take the money and throw it away.
Suppose you were the Minister of Defense. How would you spend your country’s money?
(a) Buy more airplanes.
(b) Research space weapons.
(c) Pay the soldiers more money.
Suppose you had a teleport machine. Where would you go?
(a) Paris.
(b) Beijing
(c) New York
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture. How would you spend the country’s money?
(a) Plant more flowers in the city.
(b) Make more statues in the city.
(c) Pay people to pick up garbage.
Suppose you were the Minister of Sports. How would you spend the country’s money?
(a) Build more public ice rinks.
(b) Make more public basketball courts.
(c) Make more public swimming pools.

Suppose the class bully was fighting your best friend? What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Help your friend fight.
Suppose the class bully was fighting someone from your class who you didn’t know well? What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher
(c) Nothing
(d) Help the person.
What if the class bully told you to give him your lunch? What would you do?
(a) Give it to him.
(b) Fight with him.
(c) Tell the teacher.
Imagine you became a ghost? Who would you haunt?
(a) Your teacher.
(b) Your best friend.
(c) Your worst enemy
What if you were a parent and your 10- year-old daughter wanted an earring? What would you do?
(a) Let her have one.
(b) Say no.
(c) Tell her to wait a few years.
What if you were a parent and your 15-year-old daughter wanted a nose ring? What would you do?
(a) Say no
(b) Let her have it.
(c) Let her have it and buy her one
What if you were a parent and your 16-old-son wanted to get a tattoo? What would you do?
(a) Let him have one and pay for it.
(b) Let him have it if he pays for it.
(c) Say no.
What if you were a parent and your son failed his math test? What would you do?
(a) Punish him.
(b) Tell him to try harder.
(c) Make him take extra math classes.
What if you were a parent? And your son got caught stealing? What would you do?
(a) Punish him
(b) Kick him out of the house.
(c) Talk to him.
What if you were a parent and your daughter was hanging out with a really bad group of friends? What would you do?
(a) Tell her to stop meeting those friends.
(b) Let her choose her own friends.
(c) Just talk to her.
If you could be anything, what would you be?
(a) An astronaut.
(b) A movie star.
(c) An artist.
If you could turn your worst enemy into an insect? What insect would it be?
(a) An ant.
(b) A mosquito.
(c) A bee.

Kommunikációs feladat (kiváló humoros warmer az óra elejére)! Vitassátok meg, hogy miért azt választjátok!

Imagine you were the boss of your company and you caught an employee stealing $10.00? What would you do?
(a) Fire them.
(b) Fire them and call the police.
(c) Give them a warning.
Imagine you were the employee of a company and you saw another employee stealing money? What would you do?
(a). Tell the boss.
(b). Warn them not to do it again.
(c). Ask them to share the money.
Imagine you were the boss of a bank and your employee came to work with green hair? What would you do?
(a) Not care.
(b) Fire the employee.
(c) Ask the employee to change his hair.
Imagine you were an employee and you had purple hair. What would you do if your boss told you to change your hair?
(a) Pretend not to hear.
(b) Change your hair color.
(c) Quit your job.
Let’s say you could put a computer chip in your brain to give you a special talent? What talent would you want?
(a) The ability to speak 5 languages.
(b) The ability to play 5 musical instruments.
(c) Nothing. .
Let’s say you were the employee of a company and you knew your boss broke the law? What would you do?
(a). Tell the police.
(b). Nothing.
(c). Blackmail your boss.
Suppose you were the coach of a school soccer team and you were in the finals? What would you do?
(a) Let all players play the same amount.
(b) Let the best player play more.
(c) Let only the best players play.
Suppose you were the coach of a soccer team and a doctor said your best player should rest for two weeks? Would you:
(a) Let the player rest.
(b) Make the player play.
(c) Make the player play if important.
If you were the teacher and you saw a student cheating? What would you do?
(a) Give them an F on the test.
(b) Give them an F on the question they cheated on.
(c) Give them an F for the course.
Suppose you were a student taking a test and you saw another student cheating? What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher.
(b) Forget about it.
(c) Talk to the student later.
Say the teacher gave you extra points on a test by mistake? What would you do?
(a) Show the teacher.
(b) Only show your friends.
(c) Show nobody.
Say your friend wrote something on the wall and you got blamed for it? What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher.
(b) Say nothing and get punished.
(c) Fight with your friend later.

Függő beszéd (Reported Speech)

Az igeidők változása függő beszédben:
Ha a főmondatban az ige múlt időben áll, a tárgyi mellékmondatban „egyel hátrébb kerül”.
Jelen idő => múlt idő
Present Perfect => Past Perfect
Múlt idő => Past Perfect
I’m going.           She said she was going.
She has passed her test.             She told me she had passed her test.
My father died when I was 6.    She said her father had died when she was 6.
Ha gondolatot vagy érzéseket közvetítünk, ugyanígy igaz:
I thought she was married but she isn’t.
I didn’t know he was a teacher.
Nem változik az igeidő, ha:
-a főmondatban az ige jelen időben áll (pl. mondja, kérdezi)
The train will be late.     She says the train will be late.
-a közvetített kijelentés még mindig igaz.
She told him that rain forests are being destroyed.
A segédigék változása:
can => could
will => would
may => might
She can type well.          She told me she could type well.
Néhány segédige nem változik:
He told me I should go to bed.
A must vagy nem változik vagy had to –vá alakul.
He said he must / had to go.
Bevezető igék
SAY – nem kell utána semmi:
She said she would…..
TELL – tárgyas ige, megadjuk, hogy kinek mondunk vagy mondtunk valamit.
She told me that…..
További lehetőségek: explain, iterrupt, demand, insist, admit, complain, warn stb.
Más lehetőség, hogy nem szóról szóra idézünk, csak a tartalmaz adjuk vissza:
I’ll lend you some money.          He offered tol end me some money.
I won’t help you.                            She refused to help me.
Kérdések függő beszédben
Ha valakinek a kérdését közvetítjük a mellékmondatban egyenes szórendet használunk.
I asked her why she had come here.
A végére NEM írunk kérdőjelet!
Felszólítások, kérések függő beszédben
A személy megnevezése után főnévi igenevet írunk. (to + ige)
They told us to go away
They asked me to loof after their cat.
Figyelem! Ezekben a mondatokban a say igét nem használjuk.
Ha a mondat tagadás, akkor not to +ige.
He told me not to tell anyone.


Feltételes mondatok

IF - kötőszóval többféle feltételes mondatot alkothatunk. Fontos, hogy megkülönböztessük, hogy a lehetőség reális vagy nem reális.
A feltételes mondatoknak az angolban 4 típusa van.
Zero (nulladik) típusú
If + Egyszerű jelen………….., Egyszerű jelen
If     you heat water,              it boils.
Akkor használjuk, ha általános igazságokról vagy tudományos tényekről beszélünk.
If + Egyszerű jelen………, will (jövő idő)
If you don’t study,            you won’t pass the test.
Akkor használjuk, ha valami feltehetőleg bekövetkezik a jövőben.
Az if kötőszót kicserélhetjük UNLESS-re vagy IN CASE-re.
Unless I hear from you, I’ll come at 8:00.
I’ll take my umbrella in case it rains.
Időhatározói mellékmondatok
as soon as
before                 után NEM használjuk a will igét!!!
I’ill call you when I get home.
As soon as the dinner is ready I’ll give you a call.
A Present Perfect-et használhatjuk, ha hangsúlyozni akarjuk, hogy a cselekvés akkor már befejeződött.
When I’ve read the book, I’ll lend it to you.
If+múlt idő……, would……
If I won some money, I’d go around the world.
Kérdés: What you do, if……
If I were…..
1.nem való helyzet (elképzelt). Csak esetlegességet fejezhetünk ki vele. Elképzelt szituáció.
III. típus
If + Befejezett múlt…………., would + have + V3………….
If he had told us that, we would have never gone there.
Megbánást vagy kritikát fejez ki. („bárcsak…”). Amit állítunk az ellentmond azzal, ami ténylegesen megtörtént a múltban. Azonban változtatni már nem tudunk rajta.


 Vonatkozói mellékmondatok (Relative Clauses)

Ezekben a mondatokban az említett személyről vagy dologról bővebb információt adunk a mellékmondatban.
The boy has gone to the beach.
The boy who lives next door has gone to the beach.
Személyekre a who vagy that, dolgokra a that vagy which névmást használjuk.
Személyek – WHO vagy THAT
Dolgok – THAT vagy WHICH
A névmást kihagyhatjuk, ha a mellékmondatnak nem az alanya (akit, amit, amiről).
The book I bought yesterday is very good.
Nem hagyható ki, ha a mellékmondat alanya.
I want a computer that is easy to use.
A which vonatkozhat az előtte álló egész mondatra, ilyenkor vesszőt használunk előtte.
Jane can’t come to the party, which is a shame.
A whose névmás jelentése: akinek a valamilye, valakije.
That’s the woman whose dog ran away.
Where: ahol, ahova
The hotel where we stayed was ont he beach.
-   ha megértéshez fontos a hozzáadott információ, akkor NEM KELL VESSZŐ.
-   ha csak extra info a dologról vagy személyről, akkor KELL VESSZŐ!


wydoo 2009.03.25. 11:42

A "like" jelentései

A LIKE jelentései

Lehet ige vagy elöljárószó.
I like going out at the weekend. (általában élvezem)
I like to sit in a hot bath. (szokás)
Az ige alanya személy
I like modern art.
A like elöljárószó és tárgy áll utána
That sounds like the postman.
What…like? (Milyen…?)
Ha meg akarjuk kérdezni, hogy valaki milyen.
What is/are/was/were…….. like?
Pl. What are the new students like?
A válaszban nem szerepel a like szó.
What’s London like?
It’s quite big and …..
Összehasonlításban a válaszban szerepelhet a like, de a jelentése itt: (ugyan-)olyan, mint valaki, valami.
What is London like?
It’s like New York.
How…? (Milyen..?)
Ezzel érdeklődünk valaki vagy valami jelenlegi állapotáról.
How’s work these days?
Ha időjárásról kérdezünk, mindkettőt használhatjuk:
What is the weather like?
How’s the weather?
Érdeklődés egészségről vagy hogylétről.
How’s Peter? He’s fine.
Valami milyen érzést kelt valakiben.
How’s your meal?
How’s your new job.
How..? vagy What…like?
Néha mindkettőt használhatjuk, de jelentésük nem ugyanaz.
How’s the party? (Milyen a buli – hogy érzed magad?)
What’s the party like (Milyen a buli? – leírást kérünk róla)


A jövő idő

Kifejezése 3 módon történhet:
-          WILL
-          GOING TO
He          will / won’t         help you
What time          will you                arrive?
Going to
I’m / I’m not
She’s/ She isn’t                               going to               watch TV.
We’re / We aren’t
What time are you going to arrive?
Folyamatos jelen
I’m / I’m not
She’s/ She isn’t                               catching the 10 o’clock train
We’re / We aren’t
What time are you meeting the manager?
Ne használjátok a GOING TO COME és a GOING TO GO szerkezeteket!
Helyette: We’re coming tomorrow. (folyamatos jelen)
Tervek, döntések és szándékok (WILL és GOING TO)
WILL: A beszéd pillanatában keletkezett elhatározást, szándékot vagy ajánlatot jelöl.
pl. I’ll have a steak please.
GOING TO: A beszéd pillanata előtt eldöntött terv, döntés, szándék.
Pl. When I grow up, I’m going to be a doctor.
Tények, elképzelések, jóslások
Will: A jövőben bekövetkező eseményt jelöl vagy a jövőre vonatkozó elképzelésünket, jóslatunkat.
We will be away for two weeks.
A „will”-el jóslatokat fejezünk ki, melyek nem tényeken alapulnak.
Going to: Konkrét tényeken alapszik a mondanivalónk. A látható bizonyíték miatt azt gondoljuk, hogy be fog következni.
Pl. She is going to have a baby. (Látszik, hogy terhes)
Megtervezett programok (folyamatos jelen)
A már előre megtervezett programokat fejezhetjük ki vele. Ezek általában a közeli jövőre vonatkoznak.
Pl. We’re going out with Jeremy tonight.
További példák: például a programok, melyeket a naptárunkba vagy noteszbe bejegyzünk.
I’m meeting Peter tonight.


wydoo 2009.03.25. 09:51

Busy Peter

Alkoss mondatokat a kép alapján. Miket csinált már meg Peter és miket nem?


Peter has already written a letter.

Peter hasn't bought bread yet.


Alkoss mondatokat úgy, hogy a két oszlopból az értelmileg összekapcsolódó mondatrészeket összerakod.


Mr. Atkins is hot. He is going to go swimming.

A feladat:

A feltételes mód gyakorlása. Mit tennél ilyen szituációkban?

Használatos szerkezet:

I would ...[IGE]... + ......................

süti beállítások módosítása