Suppose you were the Minister of Sports.
What sport would you give the most money to?
(a) Soccer
(b) Running
(c) Gymnastics
Suppose you were the Minister of Culture.
Who would you give more money to?
(a) Painters
(b) Writers
(c) Give the same to each.
What if you were stranded on a deserted island? What would you need the most?
(a) A saw.
(b) A lighter.
(c) Some rope.
Imagine you were traveling to another planet and you could only bring one thing for fun? What would it be?
(a) Your favorite CDs
(b) Your favorite novel.
(c) Your favorite computer games.
What if you could be the teacher of your class? Would you give
(a) More homework.
(b) Less homework.
(c) The same amount of homework.
What if the world were going to end tomorrow because of a meteor? What would you do?
(a) Spend time with your family.
(b) Play computer games all night.
(c) Write down your last thoughts.
If you were on a deserted island and you could bring anyone with you, who would you bring?
(a) Your mother.
(b) Your best friend.
(c) Your P.E. teacher.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you miss the most?
(a) Home cooked food.
(b) Computer games.
(c) Clean clothes.
What if your best friend was being pulled into the water by an alligator? What would you do?
(a) Jump in the water to save your friend.
(b) Go and get help.
(c) Throw something at the alligator.
Imagine you lived on the moon. What would you miss the most?
(a) Swimming at the beach
(b) Skiing in the mountains.
(c) Hiking in the forests
If you had a million dollars, who would you give the most money to?
(a) Nobody. I’d keep it all.
(b) My parents.
(c) An orphanage.
If you won ten million dollars, where would you live?
(a) The house that you live in now.
(b) On an island.
(c) A penthouse apartment.

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