Suppose the class bully was fighting your best friend? What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Help your friend fight.
Suppose the class bully was fighting someone from your class who you didn’t know well? What would you do?
(a) Tell the teacher
(c) Nothing
(d) Help the person.
What if the class bully told you to give him your lunch? What would you do?
(a) Give it to him.
(b) Fight with him.
(c) Tell the teacher.
Imagine you became a ghost? Who would you haunt?
(a) Your teacher.
(b) Your best friend.
(c) Your worst enemy
What if you were a parent and your 10- year-old daughter wanted an earring? What would you do?
(a) Let her have one.
(b) Say no.
(c) Tell her to wait a few years.
What if you were a parent and your 15-year-old daughter wanted a nose ring? What would you do?
(a) Say no
(b) Let her have it.
(c) Let her have it and buy her one
What if you were a parent and your 16-old-son wanted to get a tattoo? What would you do?
(a) Let him have one and pay for it.
(b) Let him have it if he pays for it.
(c) Say no.
What if you were a parent and your son failed his math test? What would you do?
(a) Punish him.
(b) Tell him to try harder.
(c) Make him take extra math classes.
What if you were a parent? And your son got caught stealing? What would you do?
(a) Punish him
(b) Kick him out of the house.
(c) Talk to him.
What if you were a parent and your daughter was hanging out with a really bad group of friends? What would you do?
(a) Tell her to stop meeting those friends.
(b) Let her choose her own friends.
(c) Just talk to her.
If you could be anything, what would you be?
(a) An astronaut.
(b) A movie star.
(c) An artist.
If you could turn your worst enemy into an insect? What insect would it be?
(a) An ant.
(b) A mosquito.
(c) A bee.

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