2009.03.25. 11:51
Hypothetical Talking 1
Kommunikációs feladat (kiváló humoros warmer az óra elejére)! Vitassátok meg, hogy miért azt választjátok!
Imagine you were the boss of your company and you caught an employee stealing $10.00? What would you do? (a) Fire them. (b) Fire them and call the police. (c) Give them a warning. | Imagine you were the employee of a company and you saw another employee stealing money? What would you do? (a). Tell the boss. (b). Warn them not to do it again. (c). Ask them to share the money. |
Imagine you were the boss of a bank and your employee came to work with green hair? What would you do? (a) Not care. (b) Fire the employee. (c) Ask the employee to change his hair. | Imagine you were an employee and you had purple hair. What would you do if your boss told you to change your hair? (a) Pretend not to hear. (b) Change your hair color. (c) Quit your job. |
Let’s say you could put a computer chip in your brain to give you a special talent? What talent would you want? (a) The ability to speak 5 languages. (b) The ability to play 5 musical instruments. (c) Nothing. . | Let’s say you were the employee of a company and you knew your boss broke the law? What would you do? (a). Tell the police. (b). Nothing. (c). Blackmail your boss. |
Suppose you were the coach of a school soccer team and you were in the finals? What would you do? (a) Let all players play the same amount. (b) Let the best player play more. (c) Let only the best players play. | Suppose you were the coach of a soccer team and a doctor said your best player should rest for two weeks? Would you: (a) Let the player rest. (b) Make the player play. (c) Make the player play if important. |
If you were the teacher and you saw a student cheating? What would you do? (a) Give them an F on the test. (b) Give them an F on the question they cheated on. (c) Give them an F for the course. | Suppose you were a student taking a test and you saw another student cheating? What would you do? (a) Tell the teacher. (b) Forget about it. (c) Talk to the student later. |
Say the teacher gave you extra points on a test by mistake? What would you do? (a) Show the teacher. (b) Only show your friends. (c) Show nobody. . | Say your friend wrote something on the wall and you got blamed for it? What would you do? (a) Tell the teacher. (b) Say nothing and get punished. (c) Fight with your friend later. |
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: hypothetical talking
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